Support websocket subscriptions
Green Bus
agreed on this feature!
Moritz Schwörer
When looking into this, we realized that Apollo Client (and other GraphQL clients) allow you to specify a different URL for use with subscriptions vs. regular HTTP requests. See for how to do this via Apollo Client, as well as their reasoning.
Would this be an appropriate solution, or is there more to it?
David Barrat
Moritz Schwörer: by different URL to use with subscription, you mean the websocket endpoint (ws|wss) ? It'd be great to have a dedicated websocket endpoint on Stellate's side.
Moritz Schwörer
David Barrat: I mean, can you use your ws/wss URL directly without going through Stellate right now?
David Barrat
Moritz Schwörer: Yes it's possible. With both Apollo client and urql
Marko Locher
GraphCDN currently doesn't handle subscriptions, instead users who rely on subscription implemented logic to pass those requests directly to their backend API, while GraphCDN handles non-subscription requests.
Support for subscriptions is something we are looking to add in the future though.
Ramin Bozorgzadeh
Same question. Does graphcdn work with wss:// protocol?
Marko Locher
Ramin Bozorgzadeh: Please see my answer above.